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Destination Engagement Photoshoot in Rome

By 18 September 2019February 1st, 2020Couple, Rome

From the Trevi fountain to Piazza Navona

This was a beautiful engagement photoshoot in Rome starting in the early morning at Fontana di Trevi. Taking some initial nice couple portraits at the water fountain edge. Then moving up to a higher level to snap some more shots from a different angle. Then our walk began towards Piazza Montecitorio where we photographed underneath the scenic portico found alongside the square. With the columns and ceiling lining up to create a nice geometrical effect as background.

The Roman Pantheon was next which is just a short walk over. Where we invested a little more time to set up photos. Taking pictures in the square underneath the obelisk. As well as in front of the iconic Pantheon facade. Including some awesome shots underneath the oculus!

Couple kissing under the portico found on the side of Monte Citorio in Rome ItalyPortrait picture posed in front of the Roman Pantheon

Trevi fountain photo session taking pictures in the early morningLove story Rome photoshoot portrait picture under the Oculus of the Roman Pantheon. Destination Engagement Photoshoot in Rome

Couple walking the streets of Rome holding handsAlleyways street photography taking photos under green ivy leaves

Venturing into Piazza Navona

Our photo session continued towards Piazza Navona. Which provides many more great photo opportunities. With lots of different unique and wonderful backgrounds to use. But not before passing through the majestic courtyard of S. Ivo alla Sapienza. A really nice masterpiece of architecture. Finding just across the street on the other side, lots of water fountains to shoot by. With many different marble statues embellishments as well as one of a kind Egyptian obelisks in the center fountain of the four rivers.

Walking together in the courtyard of S. Ivo alla SapienzaDestination Engagement Rome PhotoShoot taking pictures in the middle of Piazza Navona under the central obelisk water fountain of the 4 rivers

Looking at each other while sitting down on the edge of a water fountain found in the edge of the piazza navona squareScenic picture of a couple posing together during a photo shoot in one of Rome's most famous locations


Time of the year: September
Time of day: Early morning 8:15 am
Duration: 1.5 hr walking
Location: Trevi | Piazzale Montecitorio | Pantheon | San Ivo alla Sapienza | Navona square 
Curated imagery by the Andrea Matone photography studio
Start here to learn more about our photo sessions. Click here for prices and bookings

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In Love in Rome
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In Love in Rome
Taking photos together in one of the most romantic city
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